Space Ibiza On Tour is consolidated as the International Tour with the most events and most countries visited exporting worldwide Space Ibiza and the island’s magic. Space adapts each party to each event and audience, from massive festivals to smaller but more exclusive parties, but always keeping Space Ibiza’s quality, image and values.
The party was hold during the New York Fashion Week with special guests and more than 15 credited press and media such as Diario de Ibiza (Juan Suarez), Última Hora, El País or Antena3 and many fashion magazines such as MIA, VANITY FAIR and MEN’s HEALTH among others.
Silvia Prada took care of the warm up set while Camilo Franco, Space Ibiza’s resident DJ and awarded as Best Ibiza Resident DJ 2010, headlined the event providing the best House sounds from Ibiza’s 2011’s season. Being this event different to all the other events held on the Big Apple during the New York Fashion Week made the audience enjoy it even more.
This party at New York’s Fashion Week confirms Space Ibiza as a mainstay at this kind of events in both the fashion and film industry: The Bread&Butter fair, London Vogue’s Fashion Night, Cannes Film Festival or San Sebastian’s Film Festival are just an example of the events where Space Ibiza had presence.
We would like to thank Silvia Prada and Camilo Franco for participating in the event, Room Mate Hotels and Avi Oster Media’s staff for making the party a huge success.