WALLY LOPEZ: 120% DJ Featured

Since the tender age of 13, when he hit the decks as a radio station host, Wally Lopez knew what his vocation was.

Now, as an established DJ, he has travelled the five continents, playing at some of the best clubs in the world, including Space Ibiza.

Set to play many times at Space this summer, Wally promises to deliver his usual dose of fun and frolicking to the crowds who all visit to see him work his magic.

Known for his kitsch look and absolute adoration for his crowd, Wally has an affinity for Space like no other, classing the club and the people who work there as family.

Wally said: “As a DJ, Space means a lot to me. It’s everything. It’s the sound system, the pro-crew, the family relationship and above all else, the crowd. As a clubber, I first visited when Carl Cox was playing on the Terrace when it was open air and I loved it".

“As a DJ, the memory that sticks out most is playing back to back with Danny Tenaglia and my sets in the car park.”

Now with a new record deal and album in the bag Wally’s excitement at things to come is overwhelming. He added:  “I just signed with EMI music and my album ‘Leaving Home’ is about to be released. These are all very exciting moments for me.”

Despite a hectic schedule, no matter what day you see Wally play one of his sets his passion is always evident and admirable, with a constant need to feed the crowd whatever musical goodness they crave. This high energy level is also what makes Wally stand out; driven by pure passion and “tons of Red Bull and a few bottles of Dom Perignon - always welcome in the DJ box when I play a set!”

Clubbers heading to Space this summer can expect Wally’s usual fun loving vibe that he brings as well as the tweaking of his sets that makes him memorable. With collaborations up his sleeve from Sonique, Jay Collin and Jamie Scott from Graffiti 6 all on his list, expect a few surprises.

Combined with his need to lay himself out there and give everything he has got, his sets are a one off and always unique.

In Wally’s words: ‘Come to Space if….you want to see 120% of me!’

Read 11528 times Last modified on Monday, 16 July 2012 11:17