COLLAGE KEHAKUMA 15 AUGUSTIn one more week Kehakuma makes a difference on the white island, this Saturday August 17th at 10pm the doors of Space Ibiza open with an exquisite program for those who really love the most underground electronic music.

The night will start in the Zen Garden with performances from Fabio Florido, Cici, and our resident Javi Bora.

The man in charge of opening the Terrace of Space Ibiza will be The Organ Grinder, one of those DJs who likes to be hidden in the musical shadows for a while. It was in 2006 when The Organ Grinder put down the MC microphone and focused himself on the decks, being a regular on England's funky night scene. His first solo disc 'Obsession/ New Age People' was launched by Catapult Recordings in Cardiff and had a great welcome among his colleagues, and DJs such as Move D, Ryan Elliot, Steffi, and Jackmaster used it in their sessions.

Brawther is one of the most important talents that has emerged onto the French electronic scene recently, a true devotee to the infinite possibilities of dance music. Brawther's natural ability both in the studio and behind the decks is already starting the bear fruit.

If you've heard the EP Can You Feel It? from Illusion Records at the beginning of this year, you'd be wrong by thinking that NY Stomp is one of the DJs on a single track. NY Stomp is only one of the names used by the eclectic Dutch musician Gerd. An outstanding DJ on the Dutch house scene in the '90s who changed the tendencies, from his hand came what became to be known as "Broken Beat" and "Downtempo Hip Hop".

Martyn is one of the main representers of dubstep in Holland. Martyn is in charge of the label 3024 along with his colleague Erosie since the year 2007, even though he has also worked for labels such as Play:musik, Revolve:r, and Apple Pips. In 2009 he saw his first album released, Great Lengths, by his own label 3024.

Without a doubt Kehakuma makes a difference with its artistic concept, and its musical selection, this Saturday August 17th from 10pm at Space Ibiza.


Read 4528 times Last modified on Saturday, 17 August 2013 07:51