Wednesday, 19 June 2013 11:34

Bella Sarris

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Bella began her life as an innocent domestic specimen in the quiet suburbs of Sydney. Raised on a healthy diet of Jazz, Funk and Soul by her loving parental units, Bella inherited a premature obsession for live music. Little did they know early and constant exposure to this hypnotic music would lead to Bella contracting a rare but serious condition that would eventually transform her into a fully nocturnal species. Once in its advanced stages, victims of this incurable condition are referred to as Club Rats.

Club rats differ from Domestic Rats. They are calmer, less likely to bite and can tolerate greater crowding and loud noises. They are typically found in dark places such as Caves and Cellars and require a constant dose of Dance Music (DM).


Beltedness, or the state of being Belted is the telling symptom of the Club Rat condition, and is defined as the uncontrollable urge to dance vigorously when a fed DM. This was the giveaway sign that led to Bella’s diagnosis in 2008 and what earned her the nickname Belted Sarris.


Due to her elevated levels of Beltedness, a group of scientists known as the House Inspection team saw Bella as a prime candidate for a controversial experiment they wished to conduct, Project Club Rat. They wished to prove that by administering a controlled amount of high quality DM, they could in fact train the average club Rat to be able to produce their own sound and dispense it to their fellow Club Rats in exactly the right form and quantity.


Their methods included placing Bella in different testing grounds around the world to expose her to different grades and strengths of sound. This ensured she would be adequately prepared with a selection of beats that would appeal to any strain of her species. They then allowed her to experiment and test her skills under a variety of different environmental conditions such as in the bars of Barcelona, London and Turkey, on yachts in Croatia, at private parties in Ibiza and Sicily and in some of Sydney’s best clubs.


Overall, the outcome of Project Club Rat was a successful one. Currently Bella’s condition, although incurable and in its advanced stages, is under control and will not prove fatal. Doctors have prescribed a moderate to high dose of house music per week. Typically, this is made up of a healthy balance of time behind the decks and in the studio. These days Bella administers her beats to the unique specimens that lurk in the dark caves and cellars of Sydney as she continues to mould her sound. This has allowed her to hone her skills at being able to adapt her tunes to the specific environment and its inhabitants.

Additional Info

  • Country: Australia
  • Music: Electronic
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